Tag Archives: breasts

Rain Forest

Would the jungle know her name
Were it not for her curving rivers
The swollen fruit of her trees
Shadows overflowing with life
And her damp, dark earth
With its blanket of steam
Rising to meet the sun

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Posted by on September 12, 2015 in poetry


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The Black Number

The black went on forever
Time and space forgotten
An eternity that began
Where my hands and fingers
Touched the fabric
Hugging her curves

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Posted by on January 27, 2015 in poetry


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Snakes and Puzzles

Like teenagers drunk on lust
My hands snaked up her blouse
And into the cups of her bra
Seeking out her warm flesh
While she tried her very best
To decode the puzzle
Of my belt and button

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Posted by on February 28, 2014 in poetry


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Mountain Climbing

Life is clearly seen
Peering into the chasm
Groping for handhold


Posted by on September 16, 2013 in haiku, poetry


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A map to the stars
Painted by the gods
Lay between two orbs
Tracing their path
Leads you to heaven
“Second star on the right
And straight on till morning.”

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Posted by on June 29, 2013 in poetry


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Tracing Lines

I’d like to trace, with my face
Or perhaps just with my fingers
These lines of lace; a snail’s pace
A wonderland in which to linger


Posted by on June 5, 2013 in poetry


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A Death at Sea

Draped in nothing but a shawl
You float above the sea
A salty, searing siren song
As aluring as it could be
You’ll call me to your bosom
And let taste your flesh
Then cast me onto jagged rocks
Where I will meet my death

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Posted by on March 27, 2013 in poetry


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Empty Nest

A lot of big changes had come our way since the boys moved out this past summer. They were now both in college and decided to get an apartment together, closer to school and downtown, leaving their mother and I with an empty nest. It was only now starting to sink in with the cold weather – days where they would have been at home instead of outside enjoying the day.

For a few months now I had be doing more photo shoots “on location” instead of in the studio. I had always stuck around town before just in case the boys or Lee, my wife, needed me. I was always only minutes away. Now though, I found myself traveling all over the country and even had scheduled some shoots abroad. It was nice to finally stretch my wings but it was more of a way to fill the void the boys left in my day.

Lee had found herself in the same position of needing to do something with her free time, and had decided to apply and eventually accept a position at work that would allow; or more appropriately, require her to travel. The training process took several months and she was now on her maiden voyage, half way across the country introducing a hospital to their new patient health management software. The process was going to take several weeks and I was left alone with an even emptier nest.

I awoke the morning after she left to sounds from the kitchen of breakfast being prepared. I got out of bed and peered out the window down to an empty driveway. No cars, so it wasn’t the boys. I stepped into my slippers and headed down the stairs not bothering to put anything on. As I arrived at the kitchen I asked “What are you doing here, Honey?”

“Making you breakfast, Dear.” It was not my wife but her best friend Pam that answered. My surprise kept my feet planted as she turned around to see me standing by the table completely naked, except for the slippers. “Shit, sorry Pam!” Like a magician I ripped the table cloth from the table upsetting not a thing upon it, then wrapped it around my waist. “Well, that was impressive.” She said with a smile. “Yeah, I didn’t know I could do that,” I said proudly. “Oh, the table cloth thing was pretty exciting too,” she said with a wink. “Cute,” I said smugly.

“Lee isn’t here, I thought she would have told you.” I said to Pam as I sat down at the table. “I know. She did. Lee said I could stay here while she was gone. With the boys away, you’ve got the room.” She brought me the omelette she had prepared for me; spinach, mushrooms and mozzarella. “This looks amazing,” I said as I took a bite, “My favorite.” “I know, Lee told me,” she said. We finished our breakfast between bits of light conversation and I returned upstairs to get ready for the day.

When I got to my room I sent a text to Lee. “Pam is here. Apparently you told her she could stay? Thought it was you and came downstairs naked. Oops!” I set the phone down on the nightstand and headed to the master bath to shave and shower. Once done, I toweled off and returned to my side of the bed to dress. The phone buzzed with a text from Lee. “Ha! Did you tell her that was standard dress code now? Yes I told her she could stay.”

Lee knew I wouldn’t mind having a guest, especially Pam, but I was a bit irritated that she didn’t tell me first. I texted back “Why didn’t you tell me? Not sure she’d adopt our empty nest rules, but I will pass it on. :p ” We weren’t nudists or anything like that, merely returning to a time long ago when we could openly enjoy each other’s bodies. We had agreed when the boys were still young that once they moved out, clothing was optional. We even warned the boys to call ahead, lest they see either of their parents in the buff.

My phone buzzed again as I was slipping on my shoes. “You deserve to sleep in for once and I knew you’d spend too much time cleaning, planning and hosting. Don’t worry about Pam she can take care of herself. Off to a day full of meetings! xoxo” I guess that was it for now. I looked at the clock and realized I was running late. I didn’t have any specific hours I needed to keep, but if you want jobs you need to be available.

In my rush to get out of the house I had forgotten all about Pam and was pulling on my coat as I opened the door to the garage. “Hey, don’t forget your coffee!” she called from the kitchen. Pam came briskly down the hall, her ample breasts jiggling, with a travel mug in one hand and small brown paper bag in the other. “I grabbed you a snack for later too.” “Wow, thanks! Such service.” I paused awkwardly as I tried to decide how to say goodbye. I gave her a quick hug and closed the door behind myself.

In the late afternoon I was in the office color-correcting photos when my phone buzzed with a text. “Pam here. Will you be home for dinner?” Usually dinner was up to me as between Lee and I, my schedule was far more flexible. I wasn’t used to being waited on. “Sure. What time should I be there?” I sent back. “Appetizers at 5:30. Dinner at 6. Dessert to follow.” I smiled at her reply. I didn’t know what she had planned, but based on breakfast I knew it would be delicious and something I’d enjoy. “I don’t think I am appropriately dressed for the evening but I will be on time.” I teased her about the planning and formal feel she had given to the night. “You confirmed this morning what yours and Lee’s dress code was. See you later.”

I shouldn’t have been surprised that Lee told Pam about us wandering the house naked. Only makes sense on the off chance that Pam would stop by like she often did. Still, I wasn’t sure if I would come home to find a naked Pam. The thought was very entertaining, but I didn’t want to jeopardize her and Lee’s friendship or more importantly my marriage. I left it alone and instead sent a text to Lee. “Sounds like Pam can live by our rules. Ha! Plans for dinner?” Lee didn’t text back until I was getting into the car. “Going out with management team. Meal is on them. She has a great body and is no stranger to nudity. Have fun!”

Lee and I are both very open minded but her being so accepting of me being alone at home with another woman and possibly naked was a bit unsettling. I didn’t want to read in to it so I simply texted back a “good night, good luck” and asked her to call when she was back in her hotel room. I left the parking lot chewing on the thought of what might happen this evening and why Lee was so suspiciously accepting.

I was relieved though slightly disappointed when I walked through the door to find that Pam was fully clothed. She handed me a glass of wine and took my coat. “How was your day?” she asked. “Pretty good, thanks. Nothing exciting, just staring at photos all day. Yours?” I sat on a bar stool at the kitchen island to keep her company as she finished preparing dinner. “It was pretty good. Did some shopping. Caught up on some reading. Took a nice hot bath. Lee said I could use the soaking tub in your room, hope that was okay.” “Of course. Whatever you need. I almost thought I’d come home to find you naked in the kitchen!” I laughed. “Maybe if I had an apron.” Pam teased back.

Over dinner we talked about Pam separating from her husband. They left on good terms and still saw each other often. They just weren’t the people they were when they got married. Pam had been living with her mom, giving them both a lot of happiness now with her father passing away a few months back. As much as she enjoyed her mom’s company it was nice for her to have a change of scenery.

“How long do you think you’ll stay?” I asked. “Oh, I don’t know. At least until Lee comes back I think. Don’t want to miss out on my time with her! Is that okay? Think you can put up with me for another two weeks?” “If you’re going to keep cooking for me you can stay as long as you’d like,” I joked. “Seriously though, stay as long as you need to. It might be you that gets tired of me before Lee comes back.” “I doubt that!” she said with a wink.

Time flew by while Lee was gone. Not many exciting things happened as one might have expected them too if they watched or read too many dramas. She left a pair of black lace panties in my bathroom once that I returned by hanging them off of her doorknob. Another time I came home to her changing in her room with the door open. I only saw her from the back and she was bra less wearing a pair of white panties, so there was nothing really to report. The only time I really saw Pam was when we had meals together. Admittedly I found excuses to be out of the house. I was really enjoying her company and was cautious to let myself get too attached. I was married after all.

Pam and I had retrieved Lee’s car from the airport so that she would have something to drive, so when Lee returned to town we both picked her up. We waited at the luggage carousel as she found her way through the crowds to us. Lee rushed up to me with a big hug and nice reunion-type of kiss that you see in the movies. Pam and Lee hugged and then unexpectedly kissed as well. I pretended like I didn’t notice as I grabbed my wife’s bags from among the winding river of black fabric and hard cases.

We went to dinner on the way home from the airport and didn’t get back to the house until late. Everyone headed off to bed planning to catch up more in the morning. Once in bed I turned to Lee, “What’s up with you kissing Pam? Last time I remember you kissing a girl was in college.” “Oh. Yeah. About that…” Lee put down her book. “I think we love each other. Like, romantically.” “It would seem as such from a kiss like that. Also it seemed like that wasn’t the first time.” Being a photographer I pick up on a lot of subtle things. Things that often go unnoticed by others.

“No, it’s not the first time we kissed, but that’s all we’ve ever done.” “Would you do more?” I asked. “I don’t know, I guess so. I’ve known her for so long and have always thought she was attractive. I’ve wondered what it would be like to be with a woman but never really got the chance.” Lee looked disappointed, like it was more than just an idle curiosity. “Do you think that you just want to try it once or is it more a part of who you are?” Lee and I had always discussed the attractiveness of a person when we saw them, regardless of if they were boy or girl. On occasion she was more interested in a particular woman than I was.

“Maybe more a part of who I am. I never thought that I would feel this way about a woman, but since Pam and her husband split we’ve done a lot of sharing. We’ve gotten really close to each other; more so than ever before,  and now it feels like we should take it to the next level.” “What’s that mean for me?” I was starting to worry about my own security. “Nothing! God, Honey I love you more than anything. Nobody could take care of me as well as you do. Nobody could love me more. You give yourself so freely to me without ever questioning it. I’m constantly amazed by you.” she tried to help me feel better about the situation but it was sounding more like one of those “I love you, but…” instances.

“But?” I asked, trying to strike first as if that would lighten the blow. “But nothing. We agreed to ’till death do us part’ and I meant every word of it. If being with Pam isn’t going to work for us; work for you and me, then that will be that.” What she was saying sounded good, but I still wasn’t sure I was out of the woods. “You don’t think you’ll discover that you like women more than me?” “Nothing can substitute for having a real dick inside you,” she laughed, “and I just said how amazing you are.” “Okay, okay. So I got the goods.” I smiled.

“Where do we go from here?” I asked, “If you are serious about giving this a try, how do you take it to the next level? Do you take her out on a date?” “No, we’ve sort of already done that.” she said bashfully. So you aren’t going to wine and dine her?” I said laughing. “I meant tonight.” Lee corrected. “We sort of went on a date tonight.” I was shocked that she wanted to act so soon.

“On your first night back? No offense Babe, but I’d like to spend time with you tonight.” I was hurt that she didn’t pick me first. ” I want to spend tonight with you too,” she paused. “And Pam.” “Like, at the same time?” I didn’t want to jump to conclusions but my mind was racing now more than ever before. “Yes, both of you at the same time.” “You think Pam would go for that?” I asked. “Why do you think she stayed here without me? She wanted to get to know you better. She’s always been interested in and attracted to you as well.”

“Really?” I hadn’t ever seen it before, but then again I was always a bit naive when it came to women. “You and I have talked about how hot she is before,” Lee said. “So I was assuming it wouldn’t be a problem for you either.” “No, it’s certainly not a problem for me.” I admitted. “I guess I worry about the logistics. About being awkward. I’ve never had a threesome before.” “Me neither. Nor has Pam,” Lee said. “We will all be awkward together!” She laughed. I was starting to get jittery with anticipation and more and more turned on as my subconscious mind prepared itself for what was about to happen. “What do we do then?” “I will text her to come up.” Lee said.

A few minutes later a light knock came at the door. “Come in.” Lee called out. The door opened to reveal Pam in a terrycloth bathrobe that she clenched together with her fists. She was visibly as nervous as the two of us. She stood there for a few minutes until Lee motioned her to come over to the bed.

Pam stood on Lee’s side of the bed, waiting to be told what to do next. Lee got up on her knees and took hold of Pam’s clenched hands, indicating that she should relax. Her hands fell to her side as Lee’s hands moved to either side of Pam’s face. Their lips met in a deep and passionate kiss as Pam’s hands moved to Lee’s hips. I simply watched and waited on my side of the bed. I didn’t want to steal the moment from the two of them but eagerly wanted to also kiss Pam.

They still kissed, tongues writhing against each other as Lee moved backwards towards my side of the bed, pulling Pam along with her. Now both on their knees and only inches from me, they started to breath heavily. Lee pulled off own cami over her head letting her breasts bounce free, then slid the bathrobe from Pam’s shoulders. Pam of course was topless, her breasts equally as large as my wife’s double-d’s. Their tits were squeezed together as they embraced, their skin becoming a endless sea of womanhood.

Without thinking, my hand disappeared between the sheets to stroke my own cock. Though both of their eyes were closed, they must have noticed my movements. They stopped kissing and both turned to me. Like sex filled salt and pepper shakers they descended, Pam in her black lace panties, Lee in an equally feminine silky red pair. They threw back the sheets that hid my actions. Pam bent, placing a hand on my chest, taking a hold of my chest hair as she kissed and teased me with her tongue. Lee grabbed my boxers and slide them off, revealing my hard cock.

Lee took me into her hot mouth, just the head at first, as she flicked and wrapped her tongue around the tip. As Pam and I continued to kiss I reached out and took a handful of her breasts and squeezed. She released a small moan into my lips. She broke away to offer her breast to me, which I took eagerly, sucking and licking her erect nipple. Lee stopped sucking my cock to resume kissing Pam and share the taste of my precum on her lips and tongue. The tangled mess that we were, tipped over on the bed causing us all to laugh but immediately find new positions for us to enjoy each other.

Pam lay on her back now as Lee hung over her on all fours, sucking and licking her breasts. I worked Lee’s panties off her hips and she maneuvered so that I could slid them off completely. I worked the thumb of one hand on her clit as I licked her pussy. Having oral performed on her gave her the thought that she should also enjoy her friend’s pussy. Lee kissed her way down Pam’s stomach and then also slid her panties off. She kissed lightly around the edge of her labia, nervous to take the plunge, running fingers along Pam’s thighs.

Finally Pam could no longer take the teasing as she grabbed Lee’s head and thrust her pussy onto her mouth. Pam came instantly as Lee’s tongue found its way between her folds. She continued to grind her hips into Lee’s mouth as she panted and moaned loudly. The excitement also set Lee off as I continued to rub at her clit. She backed herself into my hand repeatedly, desperately wanting something to fill her; fingers, tongue or otherwise.

Lee stopped eating Pam out and made me lay on the bed on my back. She straddled me and slid my hard cock into her hungry, dripping pussy. Pam decided that she still wanted a hot tongue on her little button, so she  then straddled my face and lowered herself onto my mouth. The two women again kissed and squeezed each other’s breasts as they bounced and gyrated atop of me. Lee leaned back on the bed and let me pop out of her, then held my dick so that her friend could taste her juices. Pam and I enjoyed each other in a 69 position as Pam also slid her fingers in and out of Lee.

Pam and Lee then took turns taking me into their mouths, each of them with a hand around the base sliding up and down. When I got close to climaxing the two women worked together, their hands chasing each other up and down my shaft. They both watched and softly cooed as I ejaculated on my chest and stomach. Lee brushed her thumb repeatedly across the tip of my cock as my body was wracked with spasms.

Lee cleaned herself off with a towel from the night stand then tended to both Pam and I. We cuddled on the bed with me in the middle as we drifted off into a blissful slumber. Many more nights of adventure lay ahead of us as we embarked on a journey of mutual love and exploration.

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Posted by on January 7, 2013 in Erotica


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Roadside Assistance

It was early November, also known as the beginning of the rainy season in Oregon. As I arrived upon the scene I knew exactly what had happened. It was nearly dark – the worst time of day to be driving through the countryside. In the center of the lane was a matted lump of fur. A few hundred yards down the road was a car, hazard lights flashing – a red pulse in the fading light. She stood behind the car echoing the pouring rain with her tears. I slowed and pulled over in front of the car and reached for my umbrella.

It was a chilling forty-five degrees so I left the car running knowing I would need the warmth after things had been taken care of. She had noticed I had stopped and stood without moving, waiting me to make may way through the rain to her. “Are you hurt?” I asked. She just shook her head no. As I arrived at her side I asked “Need a hug?” without hesitation she flung her body into mine, regardless of being a complete stranger. She quickly melted into my warmth, the rain had soaked her to the core. She trembled with each sob and from the cold.

“You must be freezing” I stated, “why don’t you get back in your car and I will take care of things.” She nodded and made her way back to her car and climbed inside. I disappeared into the rain, a shadow moving about like the angel of death. After a few minutes I reappeared at her window. “I’m going to look at your car real quick and make sure nothing is damaged,” I said. ” thank you” she muttered through chattering teeth. I made my way back to my car, placed the umbrella on the floor of the back seat and retrieved a flash light. I examined the front of her car, looked underneath and then motioned her to pop the hood. After awhile I closed the hood and made my way back to her  door.

“Not sure what happened but your lights are out. Want to try the high beams?” She flicked the switch but nothing happened. “it could be a fuse,” I shrugged “do you have any spairs?” She shook your head. “ya, me neither.” it was then that I noticed her frosty breath even though she was inside her car. “is the heat working?” I asked. Again she shook her head. “hmmm, guess there was more damage than there looks. Why don’t you come sit in my car while we call a service truck.” She rolled up the window and started to open the door. I stopped her and said “let me get my umbrella.” She argued that she was soaked already and that while the umbrella was nice it really didn’t do any good. ” ok, you’ve got a point,” I chuckled. We made our way to my car, I opened the door and helped her in.

Once I climbed in I introduced myself “I’m Jesse.” “Rose,” she stated then immediately followed by “oh my god it feels so good in here.”  “I figured I would need the heat after giving you a hand, didn’t know I’d be sharing it.” I said smiling and gave her a wink. “Thank you. And thank you for the hug, I needed that.” she said. “oh my pleasure, I’ve been there before so I know how you feel.” “what was it?” “just a coyote” I said, “I don’t think he suffered though. I moved him to the ditch. Sorry that happened to you, damn things just dart out into the road without warning.” “I didn’t even see him.” “ya, they are a little too stealthy for their own good.” as we spoke I noticed she was still shivering regardless of the cranked-up heat. “do you have a change of clothes in your car?” I asked. “no, it was just a short day trip to my girlfriends surprise birthday party” she said, “I didn’t think I would need anything.” “you’ll never get warm in those,” I said, “I have some clean sweats I keep in the car just in case – ‘always be prepared!’ – they might be a little long on you but they are dry.” “no thank you” she politely declined. “you sure?” “well…” she trailed off with hesitation. “they’re in the back there. Do you need anything out of your car?” “maybe my purse?” she asked. “sure thing,” I said, ” I will take my time so you can change.”

I grabbed the umbrella and ventured back out into the rain. She took off all her clothes and pulled on the sweat pants then tried to zip up the sweater. Made to fit a lean man like myself, the zipper wouldn’t go past her large breasts, it just squeezed them together and stopped, only covering half of them. After I had given her what I expected was enough time I climbed back in to the car. My eyes immediately went to the gaping sweater. I quickly moved my eyes but found them looking at your discarded lingerie laid across the dash – a matching set of lace and satin in a deep blue. Again I tried to find somewhere else to look. “sorry,” she said, “I didn’t even ask. I just thought they would dry faster that way.” “oh” I said, “no, that’s a good idea, I just wasn’t expecting that. I’m sorry.” “don’t be, you’ve been very kind.” I just shrugged. “oh!” I said, returning from dreamland, “we should call a service truck. Do you have a triple-a card or anything? Anyone you can call?” “my dad.” she replied. “oh cool.”

She pulled her phone out of her purse and dialed. I tried to busy myself with my own phone and attempted to not listen to the conversation. “ok, thanks, bye.” she hung up. “going to be awhile, huh?” “ya. You don’t have to wait.” “I do if I want my clothes back,” I teased. She smiled, on the edge of a light laugh. “I’m only kidding, you can keep them, but I’m not going to leave you in the cold, the dark and the rain.” “thank you.” she said. “where do you live? Maybe I could give you a ride home?” “Milwaukie, but you don’t have to do that” “oh I don’t mind, I live in that area too, so it really isn’t a big deal. It would be my pleasure.” “well if it’s your pleasure then I shouldn’t be the one to stop you!” “damn right you shouldn’t!” we both laughed. “Let’s get going then. You should call your dad and let him know you have a ride.” “good idea” she agreed.

We drove back to town chatting idly but both too nervous to say much. There was an spark of attraction in the air that was tangible. I did my best to keep my eyes on the road and off her lingerie on the dash. I made sure that I didn’t turn to talk to her as I knew I couldn’t look at her without my eyes wandering to her breasts. “I hope you don’t mind my cleavage” she giggled. It was if she had read my mind. “I didn’t want to break the zipper on your sweater. I guess it doesn’t cover me very well.” “No, don’t worry about it. I don’t mind.” I said, trying my best to mask the smile spreading across my face.

When we had gotten closer to town she said “I guess these are probably dry” as she collected her bra and panties. “I hope so. Besides I’m pretty sure it would be obvious that I had a bra on my dash if anyone were to look in as we drove past. Don’t want anyone to think I’m a perv.” We laughed “you mean you’re not?” she teased. I faked a hurt look. “Of course not! I’m a gentleman.” “You are.” she said as she placed a hand on my leg. I just smiled and looked at her for what felt like forever. I snapped out of it and returned my eyes to the road. “I should probably put my bra back on in case my mom is home when we get there. Don’t want her jumping to conclusions.” “what kind of conclusions might she jump to?” “you think me wearing a pair of men’s sweats with my tits hanging out is normal?” “hey, I don’t know what you normally do!” “oh thanks a lot!”

Even though we had just met, it felt like we had been friends forever. “There’s a view point in a couple miles,” I said “we can pull over there so you can put your bra back on.” “I can just do it here,” she replied. I swallowed hard. “You don’t want the privacy?” “You’ve seen most of them already,” she argued “besides I wouldn’t mind giving you a peek, you did help me out after all. It’s the least I could do.” “I’d hate to ask what the most you could do would be.” I teased. “oh, really?” she asked “you think you deserve more?” “no, no. Of course not, I don’t need anything…”

I wast cutoff mid sentence as she unzipped the sweater and peeled it off. “well, it’s your choice.” she said. An eternity passed as she slowly put her bra back on. Even though my eyes strained to remain on the road I could feel every curve of her supple breasts. Their contours burning like the radiant heat of a camp fire. She pulled the sweater back on and zipped it back up, again it failed to move past her breasts that were now accentuated by the blue lacy bra that pushed them even further together making them appear larger than ever.

I shifted in my seat. “sorry if that made you uncomfortable,” she faked an apology. “no, I’m fine.” I said. “I can see that your not.” she said. I could feel her gaze set between my legs, my anxiety was clear as my pants strained against the bulge. It was then that she noticed that I was soaked by rain from helping back at her car “oh my god you’re drenched! I am so sorry.” “it’s cool,” I said “I’m not cold by any means.” I said, implying that there was more than the heat from the car vents keeping my blood hot. “well I will pay you back when we get to my parents house.” “oh I can just change when I get home” “I didn’t mean I would dry your clothes.” “oh.”

I was racking my brain trying not to jump to conclusions, keeping my hopes at bay, think of anything but what she could possibly mean. “isn’t your mom home?” I asked. “I just remembered she said she would be at the office late. I’m on my own tonight…” she trailed off, waiting for me to take the opportunity. I was far too nervous to even reply. “what’s your address?” I changed the subject. She gave the address and noted landmarks nearby then asked “don’t you want to be repaid for your valiant efforts?” “no, I’m much to shy to ask for anything. Your company has been payment enough.” “no it hasnt,” she argued. “you deserve more, far more than me just showing you my tits. This is my place here.”

We pulled in to the driveway. We got out and I walked her to the door. “I don’t want to impose or take advantage of you,” I said. “you’re not imposing,” she argued, “and maybe I want you to take advantage of me.” she winked. She opened the door, grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. “my bedroom is upstairs.” she said dragging me along. “want me to wait down here?” I asked. “you’re very sweet, but kind of dumb.” she teased. We stumbled up the stairs, her pulling, me struggling to keep up. Then we were in her room. She closed the door. I just stood there, afraid to move but desperately wanting to get the party started.

She unzipped her sweater, rather, MY sweater. My eyes fell to her breasts. “you didn’t get a very good look at the girls, did you?” she asked as she peeled off the sweater then undid her bra. I just shook my head as the piece fell to the floor. Her glorious, perfectly round and full breasts greeted me with rock hard nipples. “What do you think?” “um, very nice” i stammered. “I’d ask if you liked what you see but clearly you do.” the bulge in my pants had given me away again. She floated across the room and gently pushed me so that I was sitting on the bed. Her hand moved to my crotch and gently caressed the hidden treasure. “it seems as though it’s now you that needs some rescuing…” she said seductively. I was speechless as I melted under her hot touch.

She unbuttoned my pants as she firmly pressed her lips to mine, moaning gently as her heart finally found an outlet for its pent up electricity. I gasped as she unzipped my pants, my hard cock springing loose. “commando, huh?” she asked. Before I could reply our lips were again locked, tongues darting, teasing, caressing. Then she noticed my size. “oh my god your big” she exclaimed. Then immediately took my cock into her mouth. I groaned and exhaled deeply, falling backwards as waves of pleasure washed over me. I pulled her up to me, tasting my precum on her lips. I massaged her breasts as we kissed. The fingers of one hand tangled themselves in her hair as the other found the band of the borrowed sweat pants and slid them slowly down, exposing her round ass.

She stood up and took the pants off then helped to remove mine. I stood up and embraced her, our hot bodies becoming one heat. I turned her around all the while kissing, so that she was facing the bed. I bent her over its edge and exclaimed “your ass is amazing!” “mmm” was the only sound she made as I knelt to appreciate it. Kissing each cheek I ran my hands up and down her legs, each time getting closer and closer to her dripping wet pussy. Every time in got close she would gasp, expecting the touch that would send her on her way to nirvana. I spread her ass cheeks and found her pink, tight asshole with my tongue. “oh my god” made its way through her tight teeth. I pushed her on to the bed, rolled her over then climbed on top. My large, hard cock made a loud thump as it slapped against her stomach. Again we kissed, more passionately than before.

The lust could be felt in each short breath we took as we locked lips and tongues. Slowly I kissed my way to her breasts, caressed them with my tongue. Then slowly down, down to her burning groin, the heat of lust emanating from it. Lightly I kissed her inner thighs, then to either side of her pussy, then lightly on the lips. My hot breath on her pussy felt like the fires of hell, a hell of passion and forbidden sex. Lightly my tongue found her pussy, parting the lips, tracing them up to her clit. Her body shuddered as my tongue wrapped its self around her clit, coaxing it out of hiding.

She moaned and panted as I worked my magic. “please fuck me.” she pleaded. I stood up, lifted her legs and placed the tip of my cock against her clit. Then I moved it up and down wetting it with the juices and saliva that were dripping from it. Then, with great force, I plunged my cock deep inside her pussy. Its spasms echoed in her legs, arms and back. Her eyes fluttered with each thrust of my cock, sliding with ease but filling her completely.

Everything blurred like the photograph of a camera with a slow shutter speed, locking a single moment in eternity. Only when we simultaneously climaxed did we return to reality. Our bodies covered in sweat and smelling of sex. Breathing heavily we embraced and rested, spent from the session that lasted an hour but was over in the blink of an eye. We cleaned up, got dressed then grabbed a snack from the kitchen. We kissed at the door then said goodbye. As we parted we couldn’t wait for our next encounter, the evening replaying through our minds on an endless loop.

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Posted by on December 12, 2012 in Erotica


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Room for Rent

Being roommates with Jessica had already been interesting for sometime. We didn’t know each other before she moved in. I had a room to spare and plainly put in the want ad that I was a male but she didn’t seem to mind and I was always one to appreciate a woman’s company.

A month or so after she had moved in I inadvertently caught her removing her panties while she was doing laundry. She was at the laundry closet starting a load while I was down the hall in the kitchen working on a new recipe. I tend to wander while stirring or whisking bowls and as I stepped in to the hall I saw her hands disappear up her skirt, her hips made a little dance as her panties were eased over them. Then down they came, one leg stepped out then the other.

My stirring of the bowl became more deliberate, the spatula my pseudo cock. I snapped back to reality as a bulge grew in my pants due to my over active imagination. I quickly returned to the kitchen before my hard-on could be discovered.

When Jessica made her way back down the hall and past the kitchen I confessed to being a witness. “I saw that you know.” “Saw what?” she didn’t know I had seen. “You switching to commando.” “Oh!” she blushed. “Sorry. If it makes you feel any better, it doesn’t bother me.” A smile flashed across my lips, now projecting me more as a pervert than someone open-minded and easy going. “It does make me feel a bit better,” she smiled back – a smile that grew as she went out the door.

Three months into our cohabitation she caught me by surprise again. I had been at the bistro all morning preparing and returned home to unwind a bit before a busy afternoon and evening. Jessica was in the shower when I got there. I know you can hear the front door close while in the shower but maybe her head was under the water when I arrived. The water shut off and the sound of cabinets and drawers came through the door for a bit. I was at the table reading the newspaper when the door opened.

I glanced up to see her go from the bathroom to her room, completely naked. Her round ass bounced with each step. Time slowed and nearly came to a stop until her door closed. She flung it open a moment later as if she forgot something in the bathroom. She stood in the doorway still naked, her breasts bright pink from the hot shower, her muff neatly and freshly trimmed. She faked a gasp, covered nothing and slammed the door shut. I excused myself for the rest of the day, unsure of my ability to keep from being turned on by the memory of her unclothed body.

The following week she had a girlfriend over from out of town. Jessica had been bragging to her friend that I owned a bistro and so I agreed to make them a dinner that they wouldn’t soon forget. After dinner and too much wine, our talk turned to sex. Her married friend was telling a story about some “mind-bowing morning sex” she had with her husband. She gets up for work before him in the mornings but would often uncover the coveted “morning wood.” Before she left for work this particular morning, she climbed atop his raging hard-on and rode him for all she was worth then went to work pantiless, her pussy buzzing all day long.

Jessica wasn’t really buying the story. Apparently she didn’t spend a lot time in the morning with a man in her bed. “JD, do guys really have morning wood” she asked me. I blushed now that the both of them were focused on me and my dick indirectly. “Uh, ya I guess.” “Really? I just thought that was an urban legend or whatever.” “No, I think it has something to do with the state of sleep you’re in.” I explained “The body is relaxed and as a result you get a boner. Every guy has morning wood from time to time.”

“Even you J?” Her friend teased. “Yes, even me.” “Maybe we will sneak into your room to check it out while you’re sleeping,” Jessica teased. “Uh, I don’t think so. You’re my tenant.” Of course the thought of two women trying to sneak a peek was entertaining.

“You owe me for spying on me last week!” “What?! I didn’t do anything of the sort!” I was immediately defensive. Jessica’s friend looked to her for more explanation, eyebrows raised. “He watched me get out of the shower.” “Now wait a minute!” I tried to keep my head above water – I’ve learned that being out numbered by women can be very dangerous. “I was sitting at the table reading the paper and YOU went from the bathroom to your room naked!” “You’re supposed to avert your eyes J.” Her friend teased and gave me a wink.

“Ya, you saw mine, now show us yours!” Jessica demanded. “Fat chance!” I was far too embarrassed now to even give them a quick flash. “Well fine!” she pouted, “then you don’t get to watch us make out.” With that she grabbed her friend’s hand and they went to her bedroom and didn’t come out until breakfast.

Jessica was an avid reader of magazines like Cosmo that “spill” all the secrets of men and tell you how to “drive them wild in bed.” Mostly I see them as rehashes of things everyone already a knows. Everyone except Jessica it seems. A few days after her friend’s visit Jessica sat at the table pouring over some supposed secrets. “Hey J, it says here that men occasionally give names to their penises, is that true?” I raised an eyebrow “Ya, I guess but I think that is mostly just high school and college kids.” “What’s yours called?” I laughed as I knew that was the follow up. “I didn’t name mine.” “Really?” She apparently had some lingering interest in my manhood from the other night and was upset that I still wasn’t sharing. “Really. Sorry to disappoint, I just never saw the point of it.” “Whatever.”

Jessica continued to read and piped up again when she found another piece of bait. “Okay, here’s one. Says here that ALL men have measured their own penis. That includes you, J.” “Does it?” I wasn’t taking the bait easily. “Yes!” She was almost angry with me now, “Don’t tell me you haven’t measured it.” “Okay, I won’t,” I quipped. “So you have?” “Maybe,” I teased. “Don’t be a jerk, JD. Have you measured it or not?” “Fine. I have.”
“How big is it?” I had wondered if she would dare to ask but didn’t really think she would. “That’s pretty personal, don’t you think?” “Oh come, on J. We’ve been roomies for awhile now, you can tell me.” “What? How does being roomies for awhile make it okay to talk about the size of my dick?” I didn’t really care I just wasn’t following her logic. “Girls share dirty details all the time, even moments after meeting each other!” “Ya, I’m not a girl.” “You might as well be, J. Fuck.”

“What’s that mean? Don’t get upset, I was only playing.” I tried to calm her down a bit. “Well, it was just a question and you don’t have to tell me, but really… what’s the big deal?” she was winding down but still hadn’t given up. “No big deal, I guess. Maybe I just don’t want you to be disappointed.” She was surprised, “Is it that small?” “What? No! Of course not.” it wasn’t what I meant and now I’d have to save myself. “I meant disappointed about something you can’t have.” “Why can’t I?” She was dead serious.

“I, uh…I don’t know.” I was caught off guard with that one and now was trying to think of something witty but was hung up on the idea of being with her. “Because then I wouldn’t be able to be your landlord any more.” “Seriously J? You’re going to kick me out?” she was obviously hurt at the thought. “God no. Maybe I like my power.” She was really starting to get tired of the games. “Maybe I’m afraid that I might become pussy whipped.” “Just answer the question JD. How big is it?” I paused for a moment and wondered if I should really tell.


“What?” she seemed angry again instead of happy or excited, “You don’t have to lie. Why can’t you just fucking tell me?” With that she got up, grabbed her coat and headed for the door. “I’m serious!” I yelled as she slammed the door. I knew better than to go after her so I tidied up the place a bit before I headed out myself. I looked at the magazine that had set everything off and was surprised to learn that I was quite a bit bigger than most and that she must have assumed I was exaggerating.

It was late when I returned home. Jessica still hadn’t come back or at least it didn’t seems as such. I poured myself a night cap and plopped down in the arm chair hoping she’d return before I retired. I had been thinking about the discussion all evening and wanted to clear things up. I always feel guilty after a disagreement, regardless of how serious it is. I gave up after an hour and headed off to bed.

I was completely out of it and didn’t notice Jessica come in to my room in the wee hours of the morning. I even slept through her climbing on to my bed. It wasn’t until she peeled back the covers and upon the sight of my morning wood, exclaimed “Holy shit,” that I finally woke up.

“What are you doing?” I asked. “Taking things into my own hands,” she replied and with both of her hands took hold of my cock. She wasn’t drunk but seemed to have had few so that she was obviously brave enough to push the limits. “Are you going to kick me out if I suck your dick, J?” With that she licked the tip then took as much as she could into her mouth. I had no response mainly due to the initial shock of a hot mouth.

I moaned. “What’s that J?” she said, coming up for air. “Of course I’m not going to kick you out. It really was just a misunder…” Jessica interrupted, “What if I fuck you, J? Are you going to kick me out then?” She stood up on the bed, reached beneath her skirt and slid down her panties, stepped out of them, then tossed them at my face. Their warmth and aroma were intoxicating. I brushed them aside to see her hike up her skirt as she straddled me. She lifted up my cock as she lowered herself, guiding me inside her wanting pussy.

She bit her lower lip and half moaned, half whimpered. “Oh god,” I breathed. Months of watching her and being teased by her were coming to fruition. Jessica leaned forward, place her hands on my chest giving herself the freedom to slowly slide up and down my shaft, familiarizing herself with its girth and depth. She made a little oomph noise each time she slid all the way down to the base.

She finally leaded back, fully sitting upon me, burying my dick deep inside her pussy. She removed her shirt, unfastened her bra and slowly slid if off, holding my gaze the whole time. “Squeeze my tits, J.” She grabbed my hands and placed them on her breasts. I squeezed them gently. “Harder!” she demanded. I tightened my grip, digging my fingers into her supple flesh.

“I’m going to make you come now, J. If you’re going to kick me out, I’m going to make it worth it.” She started grinding herself against me in a circular motion. I started taking deeper, slower breaths, trying to hold out for as long as I could. Jessica took notice and accepted it as a challenge. “You better fucking come, J.” She changed her tactic and began to bounce vigorously up and down, her ass slapping against my upper thighs.

Soon she was screaming in ecstasy, throwing her head back. Seeing her give herself fully to her pleasure sent me over the edge. I released her breasts and grabbed her hips, pulling her into me, holding her in place, making us one. I exploded inside her and held my breath for what seemed like an eternity – one spent in complete bliss. We both were racked with spasms, her pussy squeezing my cock and it grew and relaxed over and over again inside her.

She collapsed beside me on the bed exhausted. “So? You going to kick me out?” she asked. I tried to catch my breath, “Yes.” “What?” she sat up and turned to look at me. “You need to move out of your room and in to mine. I don’t think I could let you go after that.” Jessica smiled and laid back down. Snuggling against me she drifted off to sleep. I laughed to myself when I realized that though I placed an ad looking for a roommate I had inadvertently found a lover.


Posted by on November 30, 2012 in Erotica


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Rose with Moxie

Lessons learned from an imperfect life well lived.

The Wink

This Week in Kink

Curing Yellow Fever

The eternal quest for one man's pursuit of life, love and happiness

a pseudo-diary/digital notebook

Escaping Into My Mind

When reality isn't where I want to be, and there is no where else to go

The Visible Woman

Trying to escape invisibility